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What’s It All About?







​The Masters

What does Masters mean?
Masters is Volleyball for those of a slightly more mature age; over 34s women and over 40s men* We are comprised of individuals who have (in theory) mastered the game of Volleyball, but are perhaps not quite as physically capable as we were 20 years ago!

There are two tiers of play (See Competitions page) to enable players to compete even if their body no longer enables them to play at a competitive level, and if your physio has banned you from ever touching a volleyball, you would still be welcome! You could apply to coach a team in the open and still join us for the weekend for a discounted fee!


*To be eligible you must be 34/40 or older on 7th September 2024.  These age boundaries are now in line with CEV/IVVA Masters events​

INTERESTED?  Then go to the Masters 2024 page for this year's event!



What People Say

'What a weekend!!!!  Having put it off for too long I cracked and joined the fun at last year’s Masters and oh how I regret waiting so long. Great volleyball, great social(s) and some impressive aches and pains!With this year’s tournament cancelled, roll on next year where we can once again dust off our trainers, compression socks and apply anything else that makes us think we are 20 again and gets us back on the court.Long may the Masters’ reunions carry on. Huge thanks to the team for nagging me to attend and putting on such an excellent weekend.

Colin Rex


'I love going to the Masters volleyball tournament every year not only to have a good game with some “old” masters but to catch up with great friends and also to make some new ones. Banter is fab with never a dull moment! My only complaint is ….. that the weekend goes too quick.

Paul Blackburn



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